Shared Ownership
Shared Ownership makes it possible to own your home – even if you feel priced out of the property market.
Homes for Sale
High specification, spacious homes with thoughtful design touches available to buy from Countryside Properties via the dedicated sales team.
Affordable Homes
New homes for secure tenants of Ealing Council living at South Acton who are part of the regeneration programme.
Homes for Rent
High standard new build homes available to privately rent from L&Q with a dedicated property management and maintenance service.
See what’s happening at Acton Gardens
Community Centre
See what's happening in Acton Gardens Community Centre.
Check out the latest events happening in and around Acton Gardens.
Community Board
The formal resident involvement structure between the residents of Acton Gardens and South Acton and L&Q, Countryside and Ealing Council.
Community Chest
Acton Gardens is committed to supporting the vibrant and thriving local community and has set aside a funding pot to support community activities throughout the lifetime of the regeneration.
The Acton Gardens masterplan will deliver over 3400 new homes, community facilities, retail spaces and modern and improved green spaces and places to play for residents and local people.
Info for Ealing Council Residents
This page will explain what the regeneration plans mean for you as a secure council tenant living at South Acton. This includes the moving process, timescales and options for your new home.
Info for Homeowners
This page will explain what the regeneration plans mean for you as a homeowner living at South Acton. This includes the buy-back process for your existing home, the timescales and your future housing options.
Head Office
Acton Gardens Office 0300 456 9998
Outdoor cinema screening of Disney Pixar's ‘Elemental’ at Acton Gardens. Despite the unpredictable weather, the rain held out and residents were able to enjoy the film with popcorn, candyfloss, and slushies.
Get your tickets to Acton Garden's free outdoor screening of Elemental on Saturday 7th September 2024!
Free English classes for Beginners at South Acton Children’s Centre every Monday from 1-3pm, starting 16th September 2024.
The Ruby Edition of our Acton Gardens Newsletter has now been published. Click on this article to access the online version!
Acton Gardens LLP come to you with an update regarding the demolition process at Carisbrooke Court - read this article to find out more.
Community Chest Logo Competition Calling all creative minds and talented artists of Acton! We’ve decided it’s about time we had a proper logo for the Acton Gardens Community Chest, and we want YOU to help design it. Read this article to to find out how to enter and be in with a chance of winning some exciting prizes!
Acton Gardens Community Centre (AGCC) serves residents living in Acton Gardens and beyond, and is currently managed by the London Development Trust. The Centre helps our residents fight social and economic isolation and supports the community to improve their physical and mental health so that they can lead healthier and happier lives. Throughout the year, London Development Trust as been monitoring and evaluating projects run from the Centre to enable us to assess the impacts of projects and services run from the Centre has made on the community. Take a look at some of the great things they've achieved over the past 12 months!
The Regen Team and your Acton Gardens Community Board are currently planning the annual summer event in Central Plaza, which will be an outdoor film screening and community picnic. Have your say on what film we watch!
Acton Gardens Regeneration – Demolition Update Due to recent progress at Acton Gardens the developer wanted to provide an update to you, the local community, on what will be happening on site over the next six months. Works will be taking place on Phases 9.3,5&6 and 8.1, both of which are labelled on the site plan which can be found on the Your Acton Gardens website (
Postponed: "Degrees of Opportunity" Open Day, originally scheduled for May 24th, 2024, has been rescheduled to June 14th, 2024.
Join us to celebrate the end of SATS and Mental Health Awareness Week at Acton Gardens Community Centre! Friday 17th May, 2024
Check out our timetable to see what's going on in Aton Gardens this mental Health Awareness Week!